Anda terlalu ceria dan gembira. Inginkan sesuatu yang bosan dan mampu menggugat keceriaan anda serta menyebabkan anda berasa bosan dan tidak bermaya. TAHNIAH~ Anda telah tiba di blog yang benar-benar bosan. Tahap kebosanan telah diiktiraf JKKK Tanah Malaya, Borneo Utara dan Kepulauan Timor Leste.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

salam ramadan~


Whenever we think of ‘unproductive people’ during Ramadan, we think of people who waste time staying up all night watching TV, and sleeping the whole day till Asr (or sometimes right through to Maghrib!) They barely read Quran, don’t have time for charity, and rarely attend taraweeh prayers..

But there’s another type of unproductive person during Ramadan:

These are the workaholics, those who barely have time to worship Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) during Ramadan because they are so busy with life/work/family and everything else they are involved in. They too give no time to read the Quran, barely give charity, and taraweeh prayer is simply out of the question!

You may argue that this is not too bad, at least they are ‘productive’. But are they? Or are they wasting their Ramadan? In the grand scheme of things, if they died today, will all their ‘busy-ness’ benefit them or will it be a ‘waste’?

We need to be careful of this second type of unproductivity… it affects us all, especially those with busy schedules. Ramadan can easily slip from us due to our busy lifestyles and we’ll only regret it on the last day of Ramadan, so let’s not regret it this year!

-dipetik dari PRODUCTIVE MUSLIM-



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